Once again, the Allegheny Kiski Valley Chapter is sponsoring a College Scholarship Program. Up to 4 (four) $500 scholarships will be awarded. Applicants must be attending college, business, technical or trade school in the fall of 2025. Applicants must also be a member of the credit union and a member in good standing. Entries will be independently judged by various individuals within the Pennsylvania credit union movement. All entries must be postmarked by May 15th, 2025 and mailed to: Armstrong Associates FCU, Attn: Scholarship Entry/Darlene Walker, PO Box 191, Ford City, PA 16226. If you are interested in submitting an application, please stop in or contact the credit union for an application.
To any members who were formerly a member of PATA Credit Union, please make sure you are no longer using the old routing number for any ACH transactions or checks. The old routing number, 043386891, is being retired effective 1/31/2025. If you are still using this number, please take time now to change to the correct routing number, which is 243382938. If your information is not up to date, your transaction will not be processed. If you have any questions, please contact our office
What is Regulation D and how does it affect me?
According to the Federal Reserve Act section 19, there are 2 types of accounts with the Credit Union: transactional accounts and non-transactional accounts. A transactional account is your share draft (checking) account. Your share (savings)account is a non-transactional account. Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act limits the number of transactions that you can conduct using a non-transactional account (share or savings) to 6 per month. This limit is based on when the transaction is posted to your account, not when you authorize the transaction. The following transactions are limited to 6 per month using your share (savings) account: checks from your account, online/mobile banking transfers, automatic transfers ( including those for overdraft protection), transfers made over the phone, any preauthorized automatic withdrawal, and any checks to a third party from your shares (savings). If you exceed the 6 per month limit, you will receive a notice from us. If you continue to exceed the limit each month, we may reject your transaction or be forced to close your account. To avoid this situation, consider opening a share draft (checking) account. Your first 50 checks are free and no limits on transactions. We also have debit cards available once you have been approved for a checking account. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns.
Mobile Deposit
With more of our members taking advantage of mobile deposit in our app, here are a few items to remember. All checks must have the proper endorsement on the back of the check. This includes your signature and one the following endorsements: For Mobile Deposit Only Allegheny Kiski Postal FCU, For Mobile Deposit Only AKPFCU or For Mobile Deposit Only AKPostalFCU. If you do not sign the check or use one of the endorsements we cannot accept the deposit. The deposit limit per day is $5,000.00. We use our normal check deposit procedure when processing the funds availability on any deposit . We do not accept third party checks. Please feel free to contact the office (724-337-3717) with any questions you may have.
Mobile App available
Do you have our mobile app? We have a mobile app available for both IPhones and Androids where members can check account balances, make a quick transfer within the account, or make a mobile deposit. Members must be set up with home banking first. If you do not have home banking, please contact our office and we can help get you set up with home banking.
Update your account
As a reminder to our members, please remember to update any changes on your account as soon as possible. We may need to discuss your account or send out important information to you, but without correct account information we cannot do so. If we have mailed statements or correspondence and they are returned to us for an invalid address or as undeliverable, we may charge your account a $10 bad address fee. If you have moved, please stop in or call for an account change card to avoid any fee. When we get e-statements that are undeliverable, we will try to contact you to verify your email address.
As of July 1st, 2023, we have revised our dormant account policy. An account is considered dormant after 18 months of inactivity; dividends and fees do not count as activity. In order to keep your account active, we are asking members to perform one transaction (deposit/withdrawal) on your account per year. If you have multiple accounts, each account would require activity. Once an account reaches a dormant status, a $10 dormancy fee will be applied to the account monthly until the account is reactivated, closed, or reaches the three (3) year (36 months) threshold. At this point, the Credit Union must submit the remaining funds in the dormant account to the state of Pennsylvania.
Real Estate Lending
The Credit Union has currently suspended taking any new real estate applications. We will post any changes as they occur. We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause our members.